Where is God

This is Where God is When Bad Things Happen

Two months ago I stood in the hallway of a hospital and heard earth-shattering news about my mother’s health. In all of the times I had imagined receiving such news, about anyone close to me, I never imagined the reaction that I actually had: peace. When fear began to eat away at the edges of the serenity Christ encircled me with, there He was again- pushing back the fear with His embrace, in the way only He can. There was pain, there was discomfort, there was uncertainty- and there was also the divine intervention of a Savior calming the storm within that none of us saw coming.

In our minds we often imagine unexpected or gut wrenching situations to knock us off our feet, to create chaos in our lives past the point of no return. The truth is, though, that in our tragic imaginings, we make the mistake of forgetting His faithfulness in the midst of heartbreak- His nearness in the center of pain. Our imaginations simply cannot conceive of His extravagant love that casts out fear and gives light in the darkest of nights. A love that rushes to comfort, to fill the cracks in a freshly broken heart.

My own faith is fraught with fragility, even when it masquerades as certain. My human tendencies forget the reality of God on a much too regular basis and I’m in desperate need of daily reminders that His grace, His presence, His love- are all more real than even the next breath I take. In stark contrast to my often fickle, forgetful faith, His faithfulness is abounding, unfailing, and trust-worthy.

Where is God when you need him most?

In those moments that feel hopeless and void of any kind of joy- He is near. When the phone call comes that brings you to your knees-He is near. In the dark of night when you lay awake imagining the worst is to come- He is near. His perfect love does indeed cast out all fear- we need only remember it’s presence. It goes ahead and behind, and circles back to cover us head to toe, so that we never ever walk alone. There is nowhere we go that He has not been- leaving peace in His wake, promise in His presence.

Allow yourself to feel the peace that His presence encircles you with. He’s enough for every struggle, and He is near.

2 thoughts on “This is Where God is When Bad Things Happen”

  1. Carrie Nyquist

    Thank you for this tonight especially. I love you so much for this and because God gave me such a beautiful child who is now my strength to help renew my love for our Holy Father God. I love you so much. Love mom

  2. Thanks for this post Jen. Love you tackling this difficult topic. I too deal with a serious illness and it rocks our worlds. By God’s grace He is here throughout…no matter what.

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